Lower Primary Year Level Coordinator’s Message

We have completed another busy and productive term. All students have worked well throughout the semester and should be commended for their hard work.


School Start Time:

Winter Uniform-Term 3:

Please refer to the uniform policy for more detailed information regarding any concerns you may have.

Helpful Hints for Parents when assisting with Homework/Reading:

MATHLETICS/READING EGGS: All students have been issued with a username and password for their Mathletics/Reading Eggs Program. Please support and monitor your child’s progress on the days specified by the classroom teacher.

I am looking forward to seeing you in and around the school, as well as looking forward to a great Term 3. If you have any concerns throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to arrange a meeting with me to discuss any matter on 8576 8300.

Wishing you all a well-deserved term break.

Kind regards,
Ms Halide Atasay